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Company Location | Date Level Name Tag Years of Experience Years at Company / Years of Experience Total Compensation Base | Stock | Bonus Nike Portland, OR | 5/15/21l5 Data2 / 10 $150,000 150k | 0k | 0k Nike Beaverton, OR | 4/1/21M1 Full Stack5 / 9 $188,000 165k | 0k | 23k Nike Portland, OR | 1/25/21U Data3 / 7 $201,000 174k | 0k | 26k Nike Beaverton, OR | 8/10/20Senior Engineering Manager Distributed Systems (Back-End)7 / 23 $285,000 192k | 55k | 38k Nike Boston, MA | 3/20/20Director Full Stack5 / 15 $265,000 170k | 55k | 40k Showing 1 to 5 of 5 rows10 10 rows per page‹ 1 › View All Compensation Vesting Schedule25%25%25%25%YR 1YR 2YR 3YR 4Stock TypeRSUAt Nike, RSUs are subject to a 4-year vesting schedule: 25% vests at the end of each year (cliff). ContributeYear 1: Year 2: Year 3: Year 4: + Add YearSubmitThanks for your submission!What are the career levels at Nike?Verified Salaries NewsletterCompensation from verified offer letters & W2 statements emailed to you bi-weekly! 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Boston, MA
Yrs At Comp.
Yrs Exp.
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Portland, OR | 5/15/21
150k | 0k | 0k
Beaverton, OR | 4/1/21
Full Stack
165k | 0k | 23k
Portland, OR | 1/25/21
174k | 0k | 26k
Beaverton, OR | 8/10/20
Distributed Systems (Back-End)
192k | 55k | 38k
Boston, MA | 3/20/20
170k | 55k | 40k
YR 1
YR 2
YR 3
YR 4
Stock Type
At Nike, RSUs are subject to a 4-year vesting schedule: 25% vests at the end of each year (cliff).
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Year 2:
Year 3:
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What are the career levels at Nike?
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