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Competitive Salary Insight

Use our in-depth salary data to learn about competitors' compensation practices. Fill gaps with an unparalleled level of specificity that salary surveyors cannot provide. Learn more about our data with our Fact Sheet

Starting at $8k

Or Subscribe to our Realtime Data Stream

Subscribe to realtime tech compensation data to asess market trends with a live-updating Google Sheet starting from the date of purchase.

$800 / month

Cancel anytime. Data stream begins from the date purchased.

Ready to put your data to use?

We've partnered with Pequity to help you make the most of your compensation data. Scale your compensation team without the spreadsheets, control pay data access, help candidates better understand their offers, and ultimately pay everyone equitably.

After leveraging the platform and rebuilding our compensation bands and leveling framework, we have been able to greatly increase our ability to close top in class technical talent on the market today. Having informed and up to date compensation data that allows us to compete with some of the bigger brands out there that we had historically lost talent to in the past. This was a great investment of time and money for our future... Read More

Latest Data

Are you a Recruiter or Compensation Analyst? The market changes fast - our data reflects the market in realtime. We provide the most up to date and latest information from the day you subscribe.


Our team validates and checks all data points using verified Offer Letters & W2 statements to ensure the highest standards of accuracy. We've worked with startups and leading Fortune 500 Tech companies in guiding compensation plans.

Skill-based is the only compensation data source that provides detailed breakdown by level, location, skills, company size, location and more. Get an edge over traditional, averaged salary surveys.


I contributed my salary, what does this mean for me?

Our data offerings provide employers with the same data you see on our site but in the format they need to make compensation decisions. All data points remain anonymous. Our paid offerings allow us to invest in maintaining and further our mission: Helping people make better career decisions.

How is this different from the data on your site?

Data on the site is provided in raw form. For all paid offerings, our team provides you with a cleaned and normalized data set. Additionally, we provide you the data in a spreadsheet format for easier analysis. The normalized data also includes a Skill Index column allowing you to compare employee compensation of similar seniority across all supported companies. The is a numeric value in the range of 0 - 100 codifying the level, scope, and responsibility of the employee through our leveling normalization.

How do you ensure accuracy?

Although data is self-reported from users on our site, we have verified data from users who have uploaded their Offer Letters, W2 statements and other proof documents which we use to review the self-reported data. To date, we’ve collected hundreds of such documents allowing us to amass the largest, most accurate, self-reported compensation data set online. We encourage compensation analysts to review data of their own companies on our site for a demonstration of our accuracy.

What format do I recieve data?

The data is provided in a Google Sheet that we provide you access to. For the Data Stream subscription, we provide a live-updating Google sheet with data beginning from your purchase date. The sheet can be exported to Excel if you'd like.

Sample of Our Data

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