Get Paid, Not Played

Every offer is negotiable. We help you get paid more. Our team of experienced recruiters have helped hundreds evaluate & negotiate higher job offers.

We've negotiated offers at companies like:

Book a session

In each session you'll get 30 minutes 1-on-1 with a former recruiter (from your target companies if available). Don't wait - session availability fills up fast. On average, we've increased offers by over $15k per year (including several $100k+ increases). It pays for itself!

Choose a negotiator
Most Popular
1 session
3 sessions
5 sessions
$747 $537

How can we help you?

I have an offer
We'll help you negotiate a higher offer. Our former recruiters will evaluate your current offer and identify opportunities to negotiate. We’ll take your preferred companies into account and tell you exactly how to respond. We’ll also prepare you for any calls with recruiters or hiring managers.

A successful negotiation typically takes 3 sessions. Depending on the complexity of your situation, more sessions may be required.

We suggest you book 3 sessions.
I don't have an offer
We’ll prepare you to answer, “What are your salary expectations?” and what to say when you get your first offer. We’ll also help you evaluate your market worth.

We suggest you book 1 session.
I'm a manager or staff+ IC
Our leadership negotiation team specializes in the nuances of higher level offers.

Select a leadership negotiator.
I have a unique situation
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negotiated in total compensation

Expert Help

Our Negotiators are former top tech recruiters who know compensation philosophy and strategies from the inside.

Verified Data

We know compensation. We've collected and reviewed hundreds of verified offer letters and can help you evaluate yours.


When should I sign up?

Negotiation begins before you even get an offer. What and how you communicate with recruiters and hiring managers can impact your offer potential. We recommend booking a session before you begin applying to maximize outcomes. That said, we've helped candidates at all stages of the job process.

How do Sessions work?

Our negotiation experts will work with you 1-on-1 to craft strategies and scripts to get you paid more. We start by understanding where you are in the job search process and plotting your next step. In addition to the hundreds of offer letters we've already collected, you benefit from the latest anonymized compensation numbers we're privy to across all our clients. We'll strategize your personal negotiation gameplan and craft scripts for your current conversations with companies.

How and when do I book a follow-up session?

If you've purchased multiple sessions, you'll get a link to book your next session at the end of each call. Book your next session when there's been an update in your hiring process. Example: you recieve a new offer or the recruiter has an update -> Book a session. You'll be paired with the same Negotiator that you previously spoke with.

Which locations do you support?

Currently, we support the United States, Canada, Singapore, most of Europe, and India. We also support a few other countries depending on company. Message us for more information on our international coverage.

Which negotiation situations do you support?

We support most job offer negotiations including new hire offers and contractor conversions to full time. Unfortunately, we currently don't offer help for: promotions at your current company and acquisition offers. Although it's possible to negotiate in these situations, increase potential is either very limited or highly specialized. We've successfuly helped candidates in a variety of roles and seniority negotiate their offers.

I'm a recruiter / compensation expert - can I get involved?

Yes! We're looking to expand our network of experts. Fill out this form and we'll be in touch!